AusSeabed Steering Committee Election: Nominations open May 10th

AusSeabed are looking to engage members of the seabed community to sit on our Steering Committee! This will give you the opportunity to shape the development of a national data collaboration, that is actively influencing Australian policy and the development of the blue economy.

The positions up for election are one academic position, one State Government position, two industry positions and one international position. Nominations will open on the May 10th and close on the May 24th. We encourage all organisations that are interested to submit an application consisting of the following information sent via email to the mailbox:

  • The name of your organisation.
  • The number of AusSeabed meetings or workshops that your organisation has attended.
  • The name of the representative from your organisation that would sit on the Steering Committee.
  • Has your organisation agreed to support the representative’s participation in the Steering Committee (flights to in-person meetings, accommodation, time commitments etc.)?
  • In 75 words or fewer: Explain why your organisation should help lead AusSeabed as part of the Steering Committee.

For more information please see the election flyer [PDF 309.5 KB].

To stay up-to-date with the election process it is essential to subscribe to our mailing list using our website: